How To Raise Cattle

Finally, A Complete Guide That Shows You...

"How To Raise Profitable Healthy
Cattle For Beef Or Milk In Your Own Farm Yard Even If You're Just Starting Out In Productive Cattle Farming"


“That's Right, This Is A Beginner's And Advanced Farmers Guide That Will Guide You On How To Raise Your Very Own Cattle For Profits Or Pleasure Even If You've Never Done Any Form Of Farming Before!"



Name: Gerard Dawn


Dear Cattle Owner Or Farmer:

You've been searching around for information on how to raise cattle, but you not finding enough guidelines to get you started? Or you have some questions you need answers to when raising cattle? Well look no further because I've got the answers to all questions you may have to raising your own healthy cows.

Raising cattle for a living has gained a lot of momentum amongst people who want the benefits that come with raising your very own cattle. Farmers from all the corners of the country that are raising cattle, are rapidly increasing their output of meat and as well as their bank accounts.

But before you too jump into becoming a cattle farmer you should know that there is a lot that is needed to raise healthy cattle. You should have a plan before hand and know what type of cattle breed you want to raise and how much money you are welling to invest.

You too can grow big, healthy, profit-paying cattle, if you will merely meet certain clearly defined cattle requirements. If you do this, and it's easy, you need never worry about profits, you are sure to succeed.

Raising cattle has moral, emotional, physical, environmental and economical benefits. All these have their own level of importance.


The Benefits Of Raising Cattle...

As we all know cattle provide us with meat, milk, draft power, and fiber. These products are high in demand as we provide for our families and can also sell some produce to make some extra income.

Beside their delicious nutritious food, cattle provide over nine hundred by-products that are used all over the world. Such products are leather, lotions, soaps, medicinal and pharmaceuticals products. As a cattle farmer you can position yourself to profit from this ever green industry.

Cattle feeding can be cost-effective because their main food is grass which can be found almost any where. If you raise your cattle on pasture then you will save a lot of money on feed.

Cattle play a large part in the economic growth of many countries. The reason being the sale of meat, milk, carcasses and the export/import of live animals adds billions of dollars annually thus making it a residual source of income.

The manure from cattle is deposited back to the soil just like what occurs in nature. The micro-organisms in the soil and the pasture plants themselves utilize the manure that cattle drop into the ground and use them for their own benefits.

Being a cattle farmer you get in-depth sight what it takes to raise such livestock, with all the insights you will be set aside from the rest of your friends as you became an expect in your field.

Getting to know how cattle behave, what and how to feed the them with give you experience and knowledge that others won't have, with this knowledge you can teach others who want to venture into this business for a certain fee.

Besides being producers of products cattle can also be use as companions and riding animals with surprising frequency. They can be used as companions for horses, as rodeo stock, living lawnmowers and as show animals.

When raising cattle there are some physical benefits as well, so who needs the local gym when there's physical labour needed on the farm.

As you see there are lots of benefits as to why one would want to raise their own cattle. When done right cattle farming can be very rewarding and can bring some good profits as well. But it is very important that you know what you are doing when starting out because you can easily make costly mistakes.

Weather you want to learn how to be a cattle farmer or just want to master the art of producing tenda meat, having the correct information is needed to start your new hobby. Without information we would all be floundering in the dark. Knowing where and how to start with raising cattle will prevent your dream from becoming a disaster, so keep on reading...


Now How Can You Get It All In One Place?

If you want simple, easy read information on raising healthy cattle and enjoy all the benefits of owning cows, all in one place, finally there's now a complete guide to successful cattle farming.



How To Raise Cattle

How To Raise CattleSome people see rancher and cowboy lifestyles in the romanticized hue - what with tens and dozens of movies created around ranch life. Even so, while ranch life can get rather picturesque, it is still a business.

If you are a business minded person you may be looking for other ways to make more money, raising cattle for profits is an alternative business you can get into.

There is no doubt that beef and milk is a valuable by product. Beef is loved, is a common food for a lot of people, and has high demand. Whilst on the other hand cattle milk is drunk by almost everyone around the world giving room for anyone to profit from this evergreen industry.

The nice thing about raising cattle is that cattle can produce other products than meat and milk. Cattle dung can be transformed into fuel and their skin can be used for leather in making different kinds of clothes. These are the reasons why a lot of farmers raise cattle when it comes to alternative income.

Beginner farmers when starting on cattle farming can have a lot of questions about how to go about in raising healthy profitable cattle. Well wonder no more because this ebook will give you answers to the questions you may have.

In detail you will learn:  

 The Origins Of Cattle Farming

 The Biology Of The Rumen

 Getting Started With Raising Cattle

 Raising Cattle For Profit

 Raisng Cattle For Beef

 Different Breeds of Beef Cattle

 Principles of Beef Cattle Selection

 Determining The Correct Form of Beef Cattle

 Choosing A Production System

 Beef Marketing Options

 Herd Management And Nutrition

 Fattening Your Beef Cattle

 Marketing Your Beef Cattle

 Raising Cattle For Milk

 Different Breeds of Dairy Cattle

 The Indications of Selecting Dairy Females

 The Composition Of Feedstuffs

 Steps To Milking Your Cattle

 Cattle Identification Options

 Life Cycle of Dairy Cattle

 Sell the Milk But Grow The Calves

 Calving To Maximize Live Calf Numbers

 Alternative Ways To Farming Cattle

 What and How to Proper Feed Your Cattle

 The Ideal Shelter For Your Cattle

 How To Manage Cattle Behavior

 The Importance of Heifer Management

 Caring For Your Cattle

 Common Health Problems of Cattle

 Cattle Diseases: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

 Cattle Farming As Profitable Business


It's All About Cattle Farming

When it comes to setting up your cattle farm for profits you should make sure you have a good business plan in hand.

You should know what you plan to achieve and when you have to achieve it. Make sure you know what you are getting into and how much its going to cost you. You should know if you plan on grass feeding your cattle and how much it’s going to cost you.

Getting profits from raising cattle greatly depends on the type of cattle you have, so make sure you have high quality cattle on your farm. Buy high quality bulls so your cattle can produce high quality calves.

The better quality your breed is the better quality meat it will produce and the higher the amount of money you will get. This ebook also covers how to raise breed your livestock for better quality. It's all about successful cattle farming.


"Look At What Other Farmers Say About
How To Raise Cattle!"


"Only Guide To Healthy Cattle Farming"

Hi Gerard,

This is some feedback on why your ebook is so engaging. I had read another book on raising cattle and yours came out top of the two. After reading through it I've finally gotten the directions I was looking for in raising cattle in my farm yard.

I've now prepared the cattle ranch and the housing is in construction. So far its smooth sailing and I can't wait to get started. Cattle farming has always been in my taughts for some years now and I'm so proud I've taken these steps to making my dream come true.

So this is a thank you for this information and guidelines. I highly recommend this ebook to anyone who wants to start raising cattle. Here I am, I'm getting started.   

Thank You!

Eric Portaning.


"A Well Researched Guide"

After reading over your ebook I can say this is a well researched guide to raising cattle and is a great personal reference to anyone who wants to start cattle farming.

I grow up with a farming background but had no real education on cattle farming, so I decided to research a little on the internet on how to grow healthy cattle.

I came along your website and did not think twice but bought your ebook. What I've read so far is pure gold information and I like the colour pictures as well because I'm a visual person.

I also have checked out the resources you provide and have already made friends with other cattle farmers which help me share ideas and experience with. I'll also be in touch with you.

Thank You!

Katie Weiss.


"Thanks For Your Research"

Hi Gerard,

I'm writing to you today to thank you for the research and experience you have put in this report. You have saved me so much time in researching all this in the internet all by my self.

Your ebook offers a lot of guidelines in raising cattle that I know just what to do next. The color photographs make it easy to visualize on the breeds and different important aspects to focus on.

And for such a low price its a total bargain for my pocket. I'm glad I got a copy of your ebook.

Thank You!

Chris Markson.


Many People Don't Know Where To Start!

Don't be one of those people who spend a fortune in getting guidance. This ebook will not only save you time on doing the research needed, but also in your pocketbook.

This guide won't leave you hanging not knowing what to do next. Its a step by step cattle farming plan that spells out your next step in plain English, you won't need to look for other information or join any other expensive cattle farming training course once you have this guide in your disposal.

But once you order today you will also receive... 

Detailed Guide #1 

Raising Beef Cattle For ProfitCattle Feeding And Equipment

Cattle usually need nutritious food regularly to be healthy, happy and contended.

A diet that is high in energy, low in fiber and supplemented with ample of protein is considered ideal and wholesome to ensure the upward and steady growth of cattle.

Cattle can not be called a cow unless it loves its food. Its feeding habits are characterized with rooting and pleading for more food and eating food with a great gusto and relish.

However, in spite of your cattle being constantly obsessed with the idea of eating food, it does not mean you submit to its obsession.

There is a specific and regulated pattern of feeding and eating habits for your cattle and before you give your cattle that extra morsel of food, ponder again!

With this ebook you will discover:

 Healthy Cattle Feeding

 Cattle Natural Diet

 Organic Cattle Feed

 Cattle Feeding Chart

 Cattle Feeding Equipment

This is a must have guide for every farmer who wants to proper feed their cattle, its a complete ebook to healthy cattle farming that will ensure that you feed your cattle the right nutrients from a young age.


Detailed Guide #2 

How To Start Cow Farming BusinessCattle Housing And Shelter

When just beginning in raising cattle the first thing you have to prepare is land and housing.

Raising cattle requires you to build a proper house for them. The housing provides the cattle with shade from the hot sun and keeps them warm in the winter.

Cattle house can be designed using wire, fencing hardware and hay. And house should be well ventilated as well and be kept clean.

Believe it or not but cattle are clean animals and don't like to defecate their own pens but that doesn't mean you can't help them out.

With this ebook you will discover:

 Cattle Housing Requirements

 Cattle Odor Control

 Cattle Housing Types (with measurements)

 Cattle Housing Systems

 Cattle House Equipment

With "Cattle Housing And Shelter" you’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to proper house your cattle. You will get all the different options to housing and the required equipment for cattle farming. 


How Much Is That Worth To You?

"How To Raise Cattle" retails for $167. But today we have reduced our price to get you started and are offering it to you for only $37. All of the information on starting a cattle farm is simple to understand with images to guide you. You'll never find a guide that guides to on raising healthy cattle all in one ebook.

This guide eliminates the time you will spend searching for incomplete information about raising cattle. You don't have to purchase a guide on feeding cattle alone, then buy yet another guide on raising calves and keeping your cattle healthy separately, that will cost you over $100. Just by making a one time investment of $37 you will get all you need to know on raising cattle at a cost of the price.

You've never seen such a good offer, right? But to make you even more comfortable about your investment, I'll offer you my.... 


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If You Serious About Starting A Cattle Farm
Then This Is Your Guide

Cattle farming is now considered as a multi-billion dollar industry because the demand for cattle produce is ever growing. This means there is enough room for everyone to cash in. No matter which country you live in the world you can get started in raising cattle as long as there is grass and water.

Raising cattle has moral, emotional, physical, environmental and economical benefits. All these have their own level of importance. Many farmers say that being a livestock farmer requires 90% of hard work and 10% satisfaction. The 10% that the farmers strive for is growing calves into strong healthy livestock then selling them in the market for some ready good returns in investment.

So if you are serious about becoming a successful cattle farmer, your first step is getting a copy of this guide. Once you get used to how cattle are managed you can be sure that you will produce high quality meat plus milk and make a fortune from the cattle farming industry.


"Your Ebook Was A Wise Investment"

Hi Gerard,

I'm sending you this email today because I just got reminded again why your ebook has been my cattle farmings help guide. One of my cattle had contracted some disease and I just did not know what it was. My helper had no clue what it was as well.

I then remembered your ebook "How To Raise Cattle", found the folder I had saved it in, then read it. And there it was, the treatment I was looking for.

Your ebook told me of the symptoms and the treatment, and it worked. This is the second time I got guidance from your ebook. It has saved me so much time in researching for the solution on the internet.

Your ebook was a wise investment, I'm so glad I took the decision to get myself a copy. This ebook has lived up to it when it comes to the raising of healthy catttle.

Thank You!

Benny Boble.


Nothing, Absolutely Nothing, Is Left Out!

With all that’s being said you may wonder if cattle’s farming is worth your time. You can get emotionally drained and soon you will release that you will be emotionally rewarded when you see all your hard work being paid off.

Not only will you be rewarded by a good-sized paycheck but your cows will give birth to calves that later on can be sold with no need of buying other cattle.

And when it come to cattle farming this is the only guide that covers every aspect of raising healthy cattle. It's a complete guide to being a successful cattle farmer. So if you want to raise healthy cattle, make sure you have this ebook for guidance and reference!


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Best Regards,

P.S. Before you too jump into becoming a cattle farmer you should know that there is a lot that is needed to raise healthy cattle. You should have a plan before hand and know what type of cattle breed you want to raise and how much money you are welling to invest.

P.P.S Practice makes perfect, so don't worry in the beginning you may find it hard work to raise your cattle but with time you will get used to the management requirements. Just make sure you proper care for your cattle and they won't need a lot of your attention.

"The Next Step Is Yours". Grab this one of its kind cattle farming ebook that will guide you on how to be a successful farmer today, don't waste anymore of your time trying to find incomplete information on raising cattle, get started in successful cattle farming just by investing in this guide...


 Yes, Gerard I Too Want To Raise Healthy Cattle!

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(Important) I understand that this is an electronic book (e-book) that is downloaded and delivered in PDF format not by mail. It can be read or printed out from any computer that has adobe reader or from your Iphone and Ipad (immediately after payment). The download link will be sent to your Paypal or Clickbank email address.

I understand that this ebook will help me start successful cattle farming even if I'm an absolute beginner and haven't tried raising cattle before.

And I understand that by making a one time investment I will receive the following cattle farming ebooks: 

How To Raise Cattle - Which will guide me on how to raise profitable cattle in my very own farm. I will discover how to care for them and profit from their produce.

Cattle Feeding And Equipment - This is a complete ebook on how to proper feed my cattle and make sure they get enough nutrients to grow healthy and strong.

Cattle Housing And Shelter - With this ebook I will get guidelines with dimensions on how to build and proper house my cattle making sure they are well protected.


Get the one and only guide to successful cattle farming by adding this guide to your cart below and make a one-time Investment.

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Frequently Asked Questions!

Are Cattle Hard To Raise?

Cattle are large and sometimes belligerent livestock. If you have no prior livestock handling experience, you may underestimate the difficulty in raising these domestic animals, but once you get used to cattle, it can be easy.

How Much Does It Cost To Raise Cattle?

The costs of raising cattle depends on the number of livestock you want to raise. But one thing for sure you have to prepare money to build shelter and buy feed for your cattle.

Is Raising Cattle A Good Investment?

When done right, Cattle farming can be very profitable. Like other forms of livestock farming, cattle production involves substantial capital investment and some risks. Raising cattle successfully also requires daily attention.